Rashida A. Bennehdi
Sri Lanka
Indika Nanayajjara
Gold March Sports
Emihian Hope George
Chage Exel Educonsult
Guidelines on procedures to appoint CAPS national representatives
CAPS Board appoints an individual or organization as CAPS representative in a country based on the applicant’s experience and background related to CAPS activities.
Benefits to be appointed as CAPS national representative:
Permission to use CAPS logo (website, social media channels, shirts, etc.)
Listing of your company/contact information, products, services on the CAPS official website (URL, social channels)
Ability to accredit your educational materials by CAPS (for a fee)
Hosting and holding CAPS events like workshops, courses, ...
Promotion of your designed workshops to the entire CAPS community ( Email, social channels, website listing, …)
Special discounts for participating in all CAPS courses/workshops
3-Discounts for curriculum and resources
Discount to access to CAPS approved curriculums like Motor Skill Learning Academy in Switzerland
Selling your educational materials through CAPS (lesson plans, videos, books, etc.)
Duties of a Branch and their National Representative
(a) to further the objective of CAPS locally and nationally,
(b) to report to the Board on developments in the area, country, or region at least annually,
(c) to host and organize national and international CAPS workshops at least once every two years,
(d) the national branch should provide an annual report no later than September 1st of any given year to ensure the information can be included in the CAPS Annual Report,
(e) provide workshop and event coverage (images, videos,...) to CAPS no later than 10 days after holding the event,
(f) add a link back to CAPS website from your website.
Steps to become a National CAPS Branch:
Step 1: Apply on our website to become a CAPS national branch for your country (must include your detailed plans and facilities for promoting CAPS in your country).
Step 2: CAPS board will review your application within 2 weeks or will contact you for additional information to gain approval.
Step 3: If approved, pay the yearly registration fee. The yearly CAPS national branch membership fee is determined by the national disposable income per country. Once paid in full, you will be sent an official CAPS letter confirming your entity as the official national CAPS representative.
By written resignation to the CAPS board by the national branch at least six months before the end of the financial year.
By exclusion ordered by the general assembly, for just cause, with a right of appeal to the CAPS board. Appeals must be lodged within 30 days of the board’s decision.
By Failing to pay annual membership fees
By violation or non-compliance of CAPS terms & duties
CAPS national branch membership fees
CAPS national branch Membership fees are calculated based on the average disposable income in your country (link:
Category 1: (low income country) 99.euros
Category 2: (medium country) 149. euros
Category 3: (high income country) 249. euros